BeautiFill (Laser Liposuction with Skin Tightening) is a A precise laser retrieves adipose tissue from stubborn areas of your frame, and the purified fat is reinserted to give you the silhouette you desire.
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BeautiFill lipo Laser Body Sculpting Procedure
• The BeautiFill laser fiber is inserted through a very small tube into your body and the laser ruptures the fat cell membranes.
• The liquefied fat is gently suctioned out. Because BeautiFill can tighten the skin through coagulation, you don’t have to worry about dimpling and sagging skin.*
• Some light bruising and swelling may occur. Very minimal scarring may occur at the incision sites.
• There’s very minimal downtime, you can usually resume your normal activities within one day, including light exercise.
• Results can be seen as soon as swelling subsides, typically within one to three months.
BeautiFill lipo vs Traditional Liposuction
Like liposuction, BeautiFill also eliminates fat.
BeautiFill typically only uses local anesthesia and is performed in-office, so there is no need for a hospital visit or stay.
Ease Of Fat Removal
Traditional liposuction requires suction and manipulation to remove fat. This procedure uses heat to liquefy fat first, making fat removal much easier on your body. With BeautiFill, you’ll usually experience less pain, less bruising, and less swelling than traditional liposuction.
Skin Tightening
Traditional liposuction doesn’t use heat. The heat that BeautiFill uses to liquefy fat also provides skin-tightening benefits, increased elasticity of the skin, less dimpling or sagging.*
Traditional liposuction requires a longer recovery time, due to a bigger cannula and the physical manipulation used during the fat removal process. BeautiFill utilizes a very small cannula and is a very gentle procedure. BeautiFill has a short recovery time with very minimal downtime. With BeautiFill, there’s usually less pain, less bruising, and less swelling.