IV Boost Therapy & Lipotropic Injections

Who will benefit from IV Boost ?


*Irritable bowel syndrome *Lupus *Rheumatoid Arthritis *Multiple Sclerosis *Migraines *Depression *Cancers *Celiac disease *Chron’s disease *Ulcerative colitis *Gastric Bypass surgery *Fibromyalgia *Common Colds *Viral infections *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome *Diabetic and peripheral neuropathies *Dementia *Wound healing Post-op (after surgeries).


IV Boost therapy consists of the administration directly into the bloodstream of vitamins and minerals under medical supervision. A small needle is use to infuse the IV Boost fluid after the skin has been anesthesize with topical lidocaine. This therapy is performed under soothing music in one of our spa chairs. A water bottle will be provided and for an additional fee a shoulder or neck massage can be provided. The IV infusion can be safely administered weekly and it consists of : Vitamin B5, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B-complex, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Amino Acids

The oral intake of vitamins and minerals is common in our days, although, only 20% of those vitamins and minerals get absorbed by our GI tract. Oral multi-vitamins contain a little of EVERYTHING, but not enough of ANYTHING! This is partially due to the malabsorption of the nutrients in our food despite us eating a healthy diet and oral vitamin supplementation. The malabsorption can be due to allergies, autoimmune diseases, genetic predisposition, medication side effects, and stress. Oral supplementation with vitamins in our sensitive GI tract can lead to diarrhea and nausea. Therefore IV administration is the most efficient and cost effective way of obtaining the proper levels of vitamins and minerals that our body needs to function and reach high levels of energy, which we all desire. Anyone can benefit from IV Boost therapy without any blood tests having been performed; but if the patient desires to confirm specific vitamin.

B12 and Lipotropic Injections

Lipotropic nutrients are a class of agents that plays an important role in the body’s use of fat. … The lipotropic portion of our Lipo B injections is composed of three amino acids: (MIC) Methionine, Inositol and Choline, They help your liver process fats at peak efficiency, making your weight loss easier to maintain.


Single IV BOOST treatment
5 IV BOOST Package
10 IV BOOST package

Individualized Special Treatment

  • $80 IV Boost
  • $105 Immune BOOST
  • $90 Athletic Enhancer BOOST
  • $135 Migraine Blocker BOOST
  • $105 Hangover Savior BOOST
  • $135 Migraine Blocker BOOST
  • $105 Arthritis Soother BOOST
  • $135 Diet & Detox BOOST
  • $132 Advanced Anti-Aging Boost

Weight Loss

  • $35 Bio-Boost injections
  • $45 Bio-Boost PLUS injections
  • $55 Lipotropic VAB injections
  • $25 B12 injections

The BioBoost includes:

  • Methionine 25 mg/ml
  • Inositol (B8) 50 mg/ml
  • Choline 50 mg/ml
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) 500 mcg/ml
BioBoost Plus

The BioBoost Plus includes:

  • Methionine 25 mg/ml
  • Inositol (B8) 50 mg/ml
  • Choline 50mg/ml
  • Pyridoxine (B6) 25 mg/ml
  • Dexpenthanol  25 mg/ml
  • L-Arginine 15 mg/ml
  • L-Carnitine 15 mg/ml
  • Cyanocobalamin 510 mcg/ml
  • Lidocaine 20 mg/ml
VAB (Vitamin Amino Blend)

The VAB includes:

  • Methionine 12.5mg/ml
  • Inositol (B8) 25mg/ml
  • Choline 25mg/ml
  • L-Carnitine 100mg/ml
  • L-Arginine 12.5mg/ml
  • Thiamine (B1) 30mg/ml
  • Riboflavin (B2) 20mg/ml
  • Pyridoxine (B6) 2mg/ml
  • Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 50mg/ml
  • Lidocaine 15mg/ml

IV boost enhances athletic performance. Athlete’s bodies consume a large amount of nutrients on a daily basis. In order for their bodies to break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into energy they need vitamins and minerals that act like enzymes at the cellular levels. Therefore IV therapy increases their strength, it boost their performance, and it allows their bodies to recover faster.

Patients that will benefit the most from IV Boost are those that have undergone Gastric Bypass surgeries, because of their vulnerability to the malabsorption of B vitamins. This occurs because the duodenum and a segment of the upper jejunum are bypassed during surgery, and these are major sites of absorption. Another reason for the malabsorption of B vitamins is due to the small amount of gastric acid and digestive enzymes produced by the small gastric pouch formed during surgery. The lack of B vitamins in these patients has led to difficulty in learning and concentrating, as well as, generalized fatigue.

Patients who take Vitamin C after surgery have a faster recovery and healing time. This is because Vitamin C plays an important part in collagen production, and collagen as we all know provides support for the skin and structural integrity thereby improving healing. IV therapy can obtain the necessary blood levels of Vitamin C require for faster healing to occur after surgery, without, the side effect of diarrhea seen with oral supplementation. Although Vitamin C plays the most important role in healing, the other vitamins provided in our IV Boost are great for the skin.

When stars need to shine at a party (or recover from one), they get a Vita-Infusion Facial. While an aesthetician tends to the skin, a registered nurse or a doctor starts an IV filled with vitamins C and B, calcium gluconate, and magnesium chloride—a modified version of a vitamin mixture that has been studied for its effect on chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Patients get an energy boost and “a nice glow, probably related to vasodilation,” says Norman Leaf, an associate clinical professor of plastic surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. You can expect skin to glow for about 24 hours when amino acids are added to a basic vitamin drip.



Our experienced medical staff are also experienced Paramedics. A small needle will be introduced into the skin to infuse the IV vitamins and minerals after it has been anesthesize with topical lidocaine; therefore, there will be almost no pain. Most patient only feel some pressure/warm sensation.


The IV BOOST infusion contains vitamins B6,B5, B12, B-complex, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium gluconate. Others have a specific combo for what is needed such as one of our best sellers, the “Hangover BOOST”


Approximately 15-30 minutes, while comfortably sitting in one of our SPA chairs with soothing music or TV, a massage can be provided at an additional cost and a bottle of spring water will be provided.


You might experience a warm sensation in your upper body and you might have a taste of vitamins shortly after the infusion, therefore is important that you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of cold water which will be provided.

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